
This data comes from a Langendorf perfused canine heart, supported by a second canine. Data was recorded from a pericardiac cage electrode array (256 electrodes) and a torso tank (192 electrodes). The torso was filled with conductive fluid approximating human torso conductivity. Included are recordings from three different activation sequences, outlined in citation 2, Bergquist et. al 2021. The first is an anterior ventricular paced beat (avp), the second is a posterior ventricular paced beat (pvp), and the third is a sinus beat. All three activation sequences were recorded from both the torso tank and cage electrode simultaneously.

Species: Canine
Keywords: homogeneous torso tank, double-dog, canine, pacing, pericardiac cage, sinus
Software: SCIRun, map3d

Acknowledgments: This data was generated at the University of Utah via collaboration between the Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute and the Norra Eccles Harrison Treadwell Cardiovascular Research and Training Institute. NIH NIGMS Center for Integrative Biomedical Computing (, NIH NIGMS grants P41GM103545 and R24 GM136986

Citations to include when using the dataset:

1) Aras, Kedar & Good, Wilson & Tate, Jess & Burton, Brett & Brooks, Dana & Coll-Font, Jaume & Doessel,
Olaf & Schulze, Walther H W & Potyagaylo, Danila & Wang, Linwei & Dam, Peter & MacLeod, Rob. (2015).
Experimental Data and Geometric Analysis Repository-EDGAR. Journal of electrocardiology. 48.

2) Jake A. Bergquist, Wilson W. Good, Brian Zenger, Jess D. Tate, Lindsay C. Rupp, Rob S. MacLeod,
The electrocardiographic forward problem: A benchmark study, Computers in Biology and Medicine,
Volume 134, 2021, 104476, ISSN 0010-4825,

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